Reclaim her legacy and embody her essence

as a lineage carrier of the

Magdalene Mysteries.



A sacred online pilgrimage attuned to the Wheel of the Year and the Christed path of the Magdalene,
in devotion to the Order of the Blue Rose across lifetimes.


MARCH 16th - JULY 22nd 2025

Who really is this woman who has been named so many different things through the ages, and whose presence is only growing stronger?


She appears just four times in the canonical gospels—at the foot of the cross, at the tomb, and in fleeting mentions—yet in the Gnostic scriptures, she is named as Christ’s closest companion.


She has been portrayed as Penitent Prostitute, Apostle to the Apostles, Temple Priestess of the Isis Lineage, a highly trained Nazarene Priestess wrapped in a red veil, and a Queen of the royal Benjamite bloodline, prophesied to carry the lineage of the Holy Grail.


She is immortalised by Renaissance artists as a woman with red or golden hair and ivory skin—yet we know she was a Jewish woman from the Holy Lands, likely with dark hair and olive skin.


She is the woman with the infamous alabaster jar of costly, pungent oils, who embodied the gnosis that the word ‘Christ’ means ‘Anointed One.’ She was trained in the ancient Myrraphore arts—versed in the mysteries of birth, blood, sex, and death, where essential oils were used as rites of passage for healing, transformation, and as symbols of devotion and sacred union. She was the first to witness the resurrected Christ, most profoundly comprehending his teachings and the organic, sacred feminine nature of resurrection itself.


Yet still, she is labelled as a sinner.


She has been portrayed as many things. Some of these stories originate in threads of truth, distorted over time. Many of her truths have been intentionally hidden and suppressed.

And yet, her archetype lives on, in, and through us—an ancient presence stirring within, waiting to be reclaimed by you.

Discover the Journey

The Hidden Legacy of the Magdalene



Those of us who carry her essence in our souls—and perhaps her very DNA—know the deeper truth:


She was the wife and beloved of Yeshua, the mother of his daughter Sarah Tamar. She belongs to a lineage of soulful, powerful, and devoted women whose legacy stretches back to the beginning of time.


The Order of the Blue Rose has called its daughters (and son-kings) throughout the ages to carry the legacy of love, sacred union, and direct inner knowing of the Divine. This lineage holds the truth of trinity consciousness—that the masculine and feminine faces of God are equal, each thriving in their respective natures, united in sacred marriage. Together, they birth the Holy Child—the embodiment of divine love made manifest.


Mary Magdalene, the Tower (‘Magdal’ meaning ‘Tower’ in Hebrew), Shepherdess, and Feminine Christ, represents the long-suppressed Sacred Feminine within organised Christianity and in the collective at large. She embodies the Primordial Feminine through her Venusian sensuality, wild contradictions, and vast, nuanced range.


She invites us to remember and reclaim our roles as torchbearers of The Way.


As the old structures continue to crumble, her archetypal presence beckons us to awaken and anchor this consciousness back into the collective. She is a guide in times of upheaval—the one who shows us how to transmute grief into grace, stand in the fullness of our feminine gifts, and cross thresholds with faith, wisdom, and devotion. She calls us to be anchors of truth—not just for the world, but for our own souls, too.


It is time to reclaim her truth.
To root deeply into the remembrance of her wholeness.
To carry her legacy forward into this age of awakening.

You are a woman who...



You carry ancient, primordial knowing in your bones. An old soul, you feel a deep, empathic love for Gaia, our Mother Earth, and humanity.


You are devoted to the Sacred Feminine and have been in every lifetime.


You know your wisdom resides in the seat of your womb. You are well-versed in listening to her as your inner Oracle—or you sense this is where you are called to invest your energy, cultivating your feminine compass and power by heeding her voice first and foremost.


You hold a deep and profound respect for men and the masculine. You know that a Queen needs a Son-King, rooted in his primal throne, for us all to thrive.


You yearn for the mythic, powerful expression of the masculine to rise in his full nature on this planet once again. You long to evoke his protective, primal, strong, embodied, heart-led, integral, and devotional qualities—embodied by the King-Warriors of our lineage, such as Yeshua and Arthur.


You have known this flavour of the masculine in past lifetimes, and your soul aches for this rightful expression to be wholeheartedly re-throned.



As a woman of the Order of the Blue Rose, your soul is coded for profound sacred union—templated all the way back through time, carried by Magdalene-Yeshua; Solomon-Sheba; Ashera-El; Isis-Osiris; Inanna-Dumuzi—and beyond.


All the way back to Sophia-Christos/Logos. Holy Mother-Father. God-Goddess. He-She—All That Is.


You are deeply sensual, a vessel of ancient feminine magick, with a vast capacity for eros, radiance, and creativity that the world so deeply needs.


You feel the call to reclaim abundance as your birthright. Magdalene reminds you that true wealth—rooted in worthiness and prosperity—is a sacred aspect of the feminine, ready to flow through you as you step into your full radiance.


Yet, you’ve felt the ache of longing—to be fully seen, heard, and met in your fullest expression. You’ve known the fear of stepping fully into your feminine power, magick, and gifts, afraid of being judged, misunderstood, too much, or even perceived as crazy. You’ve carried the grief of lifetimes, the tender burden of what it has meant to embody these truths.


Your soul came with a clear mission—to uphold and preserve Truth, Integrity, Faith, Devotion, and Love. To be an embodiment and anchor for these in a world unraveling through collective upheaval.


You are likely well-versed in navigating the Dark Night of the Soul, in the healing arts, and in the realms of death and rebirth. You know on an embodied level the organic, life-giving nature of resurrection in its purest state—free of the trauma imposed by the hijacking of resurrection through the crucifixion by empire and overculture.


You are a natural-born healer. A priestess. A lover. A mother—or a mother to the sacred offerings you birth from your womb, heart, and soul. You have known profound grief, and time and time again, you have restored yourself through faith.


Your spirit is resilient. Your soul is beautiful.


Like Sophia, you came here to serve humanity, transmuting the weight of carrying this sacred mantle through lifetimes of persecution and secrecy.


Like Mary Magdalene, you are destined for sacred union, both within and without. And like her, you know the foundation of this lies in rooting into the Divine. You know how loved and protected you are, that the Divine is only ever a breath away.


And nothing—no empire, no shadow—can ever take that away from you.


Magdalene invites us to reclaim and embody her essence—a Tower of strength, grace, compassion, feminine wisdom, unshakeable faith, and devotion.


It is time. We, the women of the Order of the Blue Rose, are here to usher ourselves—and the collective—from survival into thriving.

I invite you to take a deep breath, let out a sigh, and feel into your body...


Does she whisper her hunger to remember? Can you feel the pull of something ancient, a call from deep within your bones—a longing to reclaim the forgotten wisdom of your lineage?

Is there a quiet stirring, a spark of devotion, guiding you toward this sacred offering? Can you trust that whisper?

Does your heart yearn to kneel at the altar of your own becoming? Do you crave a coven where your devotion is celebrated, where the priestess, lover, and mystic within you will thrive?


Step Into the Magdalene Mysteries

"There were 3 women who always walked with the Lord.
Mary, his mother; Mary, her sister;
And Miriam of Magdala, who was called his companion.


~ The Gospel of Philip, quoted in The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, translated by Jean-Yves Leloup



A lineage of those who remember. Embodied devotion—not as an abstract concept but as a lived reality, felt in the bones and blood, in the pulse of creation itself. This lineage isn’t something outside of you to learn—it’s something within you to remember. To become.

Sunday, 16th March 2025

6-9pm UK Time



We begin with a potent opening ceremony to weave the energetic field, call in our guides and the Rosa Mystica council to support and witness you, and anchor your intentions for this deep journey of remembrance.

This ceremony will also serve as a special Taster Experience, allowing you to work with the SISTER archetype (in both its shadow and light aspects) in expanded sisterhood. For those who feel called to approach the temple gates, this is your chance to experience the essence of the work, the energy of the field, and the flow of the facilitation.

All ceremonies are held in a trauma-sensitive container, rooted in coven co-regulation and self-responsibility. Each gathering honours one or two of Magdalene’s archetypes, and in this opening ceremony, you’ll lay the foundation for the powerful path ahead—grounded in remembrance, devotion, and sisterhood.

All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the Kajabi portal within 24 hours. You will have lifetime access to these recordings—or until the course is no longer available. Please note that private shares will not be recorded, ensuring the container remains deeply secure.

Sunday, 23rd March

6-9pm UK Time



This ceremony aligns with Ostara, the Spring Equinox, and the date some legends say marks Mary Magdalene’s birth—21st March.

We begin our journey where she herself began: with the Priestess arts. This ceremony will awaken and support the inner Priestess in each of you, celebrating the fullness of this archetype in both our lives and hers—held by the Order of the Blue Rose in remembrance of our holy, ancient, and much-needed medicine.

While practices will be emergent and attuned to the energy of the group, we will draw from my decade-long background in feminine embodiment, somatics, nervous system regulation, and the Priestess arts—all offered in devotion to your unfolding and remembrance.

What does it mean to embody the Priestess in modern times—standing at the threshold of the Age of Aquarius? How might this ancient role guide your earth walk, inviting you to nourish your inner child, cultivate your inner Oracle, birth sacred offerings, deepen devotion, restore faith, and refine the unique Priestess gifts you carry for the world, while stepping into the sacred lineage that calls to you across time?


Sunday, 6th April

6-9pm UK Time



Our LOVER ceremony aligns with the fiery passion of Aries season and the Hieros Gamos (Sacred Union) mysteries—the erotic arts Magdalene practiced to prepare for her crucial role in Yeshua’s journey and resurrection.

The Lover archetype, embodied by Magdalene, is arguably the most demonised and misunderstood aspect of her nature. It speaks to a truth that those of us with Order of the Blue Rose souls inherently know: Yeshua was not celibate, and his sacred union with Magdalene played a vital role in his capacity to resurrect in spirit body.

We will delve into the Egyptian lineage, exploring Magdalene’s connection to the Temple Priestess archetype—the roots of her being labeled a "prostitute." Together, we will remember why it is so crucial for us, as a collective, to embrace the Holy Family’s embodied human sexuality as divine.

This ceremony invites you to explore the Hieros Gamos codes within the Rose Lineage—from Isis and Osiris to Solomon and Sheba. We will infuse our essence with the poetry of the Song of Songs and begin to open the Temple Body, arousing the Lover within—whole, holy, and unashamed.

Sunday, 13th April

6-9pm UK Time



Mary Magdalene was a powerful Myrraphore—Bearer of Myrrh, one who carries the sacred oils for rituals of anointing, healing, and burial. Our Healer/Myrraphore ceremony aligns with Palm Sunday, the threshold of Holy Week, when preparation and prophecy converge.

It was Magdalene who anointed Christ (the Anointed One) in preparation for the crucifixion—a profound and symbolic act, not only for the strength it imbued him but also because it anchored the truth of their sacred union, carried in code through time.

The anointing at Bethany was an archetypal moment of initiation and prophecy, when Magdalene abundantly anointed Yeshua’s feet with spikenard oil, wiping her tears with her hair—an act of pure devotion and preparation for his death and resurrection. It was also a declaration of her role as his Beloved.

The tradition of anointing traces back through the Rose Lineage. Just like that moment in Bethany, Magdalene’s presence at the tomb—holding vigil and working her Myrraphore magick—symbolised her role as Wife and Sacred Anointress.

We will explore the sacred art of working with a biblical oil in this tradition. Having trained in aromatherapy in New York and currently studying the Myrraphore arts, I am passionate about the healing power of essential oils, which goes far beyond their usual use.

Many of you will feel the Myrraphore awakening within your soul. This ancient art of devotion will ignite your cellular memory with passion and remembrance!

Special Easter Ceremony,

Good Friday 18th April

6-9pm UK Time



This Good (God) Friday ceremony takes us into the depths of devotion—and yes, you’ll likely want tissues for this one.

Magdalene and the Rosa Mystica Council, particularly the women of the Order of the Blue Rose, move through us to process grief still held in the lineage—longing to be felt, and honoured. Many of us only need to think of Yeshua on the cross to feel the weight of Magdalene’s sorrow, as if we were there ourselves. And in some way, we were.

Yet Magdalene was not only a woman of sorrow—she was a woman of unwavering devotion. The Devotee holds not just grief, but the depth of love that made such grief possible. She is the one who stayed, anointed, and bore witness to both crucifixion and resurrection—a woman whose faith was tested, yet endured, and whose heart knew that love never dies.

You will be guided to work with grief through trauma-informed, somatic practices—allowing it to move as it needs to, pendulating between deep feeling and resources of comfort and nourishment.

There is so much eros in grief. In a culture that trains us to suppress big emotions, this ceremony is an invitation to become vessels for sacred grief and devotional love, bringing healing to ourselves, our lineage, and the collective.

I truly believe the pain and persecution we still see in the Holy Lands can be traced back to this original wound—held both in the land and the collective painbody of humanity.

In this ceremony, we honour the grief and reclaim the organic feminine mystical art of resurrection in its true nature.

By tapping into the depth of our devotion across lifetimes, we cultivate the most profound frequency of Love—one that nourishes, restores, and reminds us what it truly means to feel, embody, and know the Divine here on earth, in our human forms. Through the power of our hearts, we remember.

Sunday, 27th April

6-9pm UK Time




Magdalene has been known by many names— priestess, prostitute, saint. But something rarely considered is her life as a refugee.

Exiled from her homeland and fleeing for her life—and the life growing within her womb—Magdalene sought refuge in Egypt, under the protection of Joseph of Arimathea, where she gave birth to Sara’h Tamar, her and Yeshua’s daughter—the living embodiment of the Holy Grail.

From Alexandria, Miriyam and a small group of closest companions traveled to the South of France, landing in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, where Sara’h is still celebrated as the Black Madonna and Patron Saint of the Gypsies—themselves refugees in a nomadic sense, who preserved the teachings of the Rose Lineage in the Tarot.

It is my strong belief that Magdalene found true restoration in Avalon, where she received deep healing from the Avalonian priestess-healers before returning to France to anchor the teachings of The Way, later carried forward by the Cathars.

While we may not all relate directly to exile and persecution, our souls remember. We know what it feels like to hide our magick, to hold back our voices for fear of being too visible. As priestess souls, we have felt the loneliness of a distorted world that struggles to comprehend our gifts.

When we work with the Refugee archetype, we begin to unravel these bonds and reclaim our voices and worth.

This is our duty—to step into our full power and radiance, embodying the truth and gifts we were always meant to carry, just as Magdalene did in her lifetime.

Sunday, 11th May

6-9pm UK Time



The Beltane fires burn strongly, and we gather to celebrate and honour Mary Magdalene’s role as Mother—both in the literal sense and as the Mother of a lineage.

We will honour the Mother archetype in all her forms and how she moves through our lives. Whether or not we experience physical motherhood, we are all mothering ourselves whole again. Many of us are birthing offerings, holding clients, tending to seeds of creation, and nourishing those we love—including our own body temples.

The Mother lives innately in our DNA, woven into every aspect of our being. Consciously connecting with her and cultivating her healthy expressions serves us deeply in all areas of life.

Magdalene is also an expander of abundance and wealth, reminding us that rooting into our innate worthiness and prosperity is an emergent aspect of the feminine path—desiring to anchor in and through us as we move into this new collective era.

This ceremony aligns with the full moon, amplifying Beltane’s creative renewal. What desires to be nurtured or birthed through you at this time? How can you self-mother with more grace? How might Magdalene guide you in fully embracing this aspect of your womanhood?

We will anchor into the wombspace as our Creatrix, connecting with the Primordial Mother—in her earthy, primal (dragon) expression and her cosmic void (Sophia) emanation. Together, we will weave our experience of motherhood with the Divine Mother, just as Mary exemplified.

Sunday, 25th May

6-9pm UK Time



"Won’t you tell me, lover of my soul, where do you feed your flock? Where do you lead your beloved ones to rest in the heat of the day?" ~ (Song of Songs 1:7, The Passion Translation)

Mary Magdalene is often seen as Sophia incarnate. In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is divine wisdom who descends into the earthly realms, becoming lost in the shadows of matter—until she remembers herself as the Beloved of Logos. Her story reflects a cosmic shepherding of souls, calling lost aspects of the soul back to divine remembrance. This is also the role of the Priestess, and in some esoteric traditions, Magdalene is known as The Shepherdess.

After the crucifixion, Magdalene became a pillar of strength for the disciples, reassuring them of Christ’s continuing presence and leading others to spiritual rest and nourishment. She ministered The Way in France, even under great threat, at a time when women’s voices were feared and suppressed—especially when they carried spiritual authority.

Fully embodying her title of "Magdalene"—from the Hebrew Magdal, meaning "Tower"—she became a beacon of truth and sanctuary for those seeking refuge and guidance.

In this ceremony, we will work with somatic practices for voice activation, strengthening our leadership and capacity for visibility, alongside prayer as devotion and anchoring unwavering faith.

Special Pentecost Ceremony, 

Sunday, 8th June

6-9pm UK Time



Despite the Church’s eventual correction—declaring Mary Magdalene not a fallen sinner but “The Apostle to the Apostles”—she remains overshadowed by the story of seven demons cast from her. We will explore the mystical and esoteric meaning of these "demons," why they symbolise a process of deep spiritual initiation, and how Mary Magdalene emerges as the rightful leader of The Way.

In the lead-up to this week’s ceremony, we will journey into the Gnostic scriptures, including those of Philip, John, and Magdalene herself, alongside Sophianic cosmology and the Tarot, which preserves the symbols of the Rose Lineage.

We will enrich our inner Mystics by exploring the convergence of the Rose and Celtic-Avalonian lineages, sensing how they weave together as whispers of remembrance through sacred landscapes and mystical devotion.

We will also meditate on the Aramaic words of Yeshua, deepening our connection to our inner Mystic, and work with practices to cultivate our Oracle and inner knowing (Gnosis).

Sunday, 22nd June

6-9pm UK Time



Our BELOVED ceremony falls on the Summer Solstice, a powerful and potent alignment on the Wheel of the Year. This sacred moment honours the Solar Logos—Yeshua as the Christed Sun—and the Feminine Solar Christ, She who is the Grail that holds and receives the Solar Logos, embodying the sacred union of Divine Masculine and Feminine in radiant harmony.

"My beloved has gone down into his garden of delight, the beds of spice, to feast with those pure in heart. I am fully devoted to my beloved, and my beloved is fully devoted to me. He is within me—I am his garden of delight." ~ (Song of Songs 6:2–3, The Passion Translation)

In this ceremony, we honour Sophia and Magdalene—as aspects of the same feminine essence—radiant embodiments of devotion and love, both for their masculine counterpart and the masculine Divine. Myth tells us that lilies and blue roses were among Miriam’s favourite flowers, symbols of the Sacred Feminine she embodies.

We remember ourselves as daughters of Godunconditionally cherished, protected, guided, and loved. We remember ourselves as Beloveds of the Logos, unequivocally claimed and invited to rest back into this divine holding.

In this remembrance, we anchor into the truth of our nature and move through challenging times with greater ease, rooted in faith and our inherent worth.

Sunday, 6th July

6-9pm UK Time



We are ending our deep journey with WOMAN because, at the heart of it all—beneath the powerful and majestic archetypes, and the important roles that Mary Magdalene embodied (and that we, too, have access to)—she was, above all, a woman.

A woman who bled, danced, laughed, and made love.
A woman who had sisters and challenging human relationships.
A woman who loved so deeply it ached.
A woman who knew bone-deep fear and grief.
A woman whose faith was tested over and over again, who lost her will only to rediscover and renew it.

She mothered her children. She experienced the limitations of being a woman in her time.

The oh-so-human woman in Mary Magdalene / Maria Magdalena / Marie Madeleine—Miriamis accessible to every woman on this earth. She deserves—and desires—to be remembered for her humanity as much as her divinity.

Sunday, 20th July

6-9pm UK Time

Closing Ceremony:



Our journey together culminates in a Closing Ceremony in preparation for Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day on 22nd July—a sacred threshold to honour your transformation and the many faces of Magdalene’s essence that you’ve embodied along the way.

In these 4.5 months, you’ve walked the path of Priestess, Lover, Mother, Mystic, Beloved, and Woman. You’ve danced with shadows, reclaimed power, and deepened into the truth of who you are. Embracing her essence invites richer love, deeper trust, and unwavering faith in life’s unfolding.

This ceremony is a celebration of your becoming and a time to honour the sisterhood that has held you—where you’ve been truly seen, witnessed, and cherished. Together, we will integrate and anchor the gifts of this shared journey, offering them back to Magdalene in devotion.

On Magdalene’s Feast Day (22nd July), you will be invited to hold a final solo ritual—an intimate act of devotion to honour her and yourself in all you’ve reclaimed and remembered.

Let this closing be both a preparation and a blessing—a sacred threshold, not an ending, but the beginning of a new chapter, rooted in Magdalene’s timeless wisdom and love.

By the end of this 4.5-month journey, Magdalene’s wisdom will move through you as a felt presence—guiding you, anchoring you, and illuminating your path through both the beauty and challenges of life. You will stand in the fullness of who you are, rooted in truth, love, faith, grace, and peace—carrying her legacy within you.

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My story and my why...

Hello my loves, I'm Sophie.

Over a decade ago, my initiation into this path began with a nervous breakdown at the age of 26. This descent led me on a profound healing journey: months in India, years of conscious celibacy, and a long initiation into the womb mysteries as I worked to naturally regain my menstrual cycle in a deep 6-year-long initiation.

The womb and menstrual mysteries became my greatest teachers—a portal of remembrance, reawakening my connection to the feminine wisdom within. Every descent into the underworld has guided me back to my dharma: to be a conduit for the Sacred Feminine Mysteries.

Magdalene has been present in my life since I was a little girl. I’m sure many of you can relate to the synchronicities that awaken our souls to the truth of who we are. Whether it’s our birth name, birth date, the things we loved as children, or the names and birthdays of our family of origin—there are Sangraal clues hidden everywhere when we begin to see with new eyes.

My path is deeply woven with the Order of the Blue Rose—a journey of devotion, reconciliation, feminine wholeness, and sacred union. My deepest wish is for every woman who finds my work to experience the peace and faith that comes from softening into the arms of the Divine.

If you’d like to learn more about my specific training and qualifications, you can read more here.


You had me at hello ;)

"Sophie held for me such a safe and loving space in which I felt totally seen, held, and nurtured."

Beth, UK

“After working with beautiful Sophie I feel deeply aligned with my cycle, with my feminine power, and my life path. But most important I now know that I can handle everything that’s happening because I learned how to handle emotions and trauma that comes up, how to handle triggers, pain, and fear. She gave me tools to do this for myself knowing that I am ALWAYS supported.

Cosima, Germany

“Darling, you are the one who has taught me what it means to settle into that place of feminine receivership where we are provided for... Trusting that God is looking after me because this is what’s in my heart, this is what my Eros is guiding me to and so this is what I’m surrendering to.  You’re the one who gave me those codes." 

Omotayo, Thailand

"I can see how far I have come reflecting on how I came in - numb and disconnected, to now a feeling of inner strength, love, and connection to my body, heart, and womb, intuition, and trust.

Harriet, UK

"Sophie’s vulnerability and willingness to go to the edgy places before most is infectious and healing in itself. She weaved reverence for both the Primordial Feminine and the Cosmic Masculine, held nuance throughout, which moved me in a way it hasn't before."

Holly, UK

“The lasting legacy of this journey for my life has been PEACE. I didn’t expect to soften this much or to see the men in my life through an entirely different lens.”

Lisa, UK

I invite you into this deeply sacred journey of remembrance—one that spans lifetimes.


This is more than a course—it is a transformative rite of passage that will change the way you experience yourself, the Sacred Feminine, and your place in the world. Over these 4.5 months, you’ll be held in a carefully woven container, built from over a decade of spiritual practice, personal healing, and deep devotion to the Order of the Blue Rose path.

I’ve poured immense energy, love, and time into this offering because I know how profoundly life-changing this work is. This is an invitation to remember the deepest truth of who you are.

If you feel the call but need more flexibility, reach out. Extended payment plans are available, and a handful of partial scholarships are available for those who feel a deep call but need support (apply below).

Step into this sanctuary of remembrance—where you’ll embody Magdalene’s essence, feel her guidance move through you, reclaim the depth of your voice, and anchor into deeper devotion & faith.

Your lineage is whispering you home.




£560 p/m

Save £1,200 off full price (of £4,000)

  • 4.5 months of immersive Magdalene embodiment. Devotionally curated live 3-hour ceremonies weaving somatic ritual, feminine embodiment, and ancient remembrance, guided by the Rosa Mystica Council and the wisdom of the Order of the Blue Rose.
  • A high-touch container. Direct access to me and intimate group support, lovingly designed for personal transformation and embodied integration.
  • A circle of wise, wild, and devotional women where you’ll be truly seen and celebrated in the fullness of your becoming.

  • Telegram group for connection and sisterhood for sharing reflections, receiving guidance, and weaving the collective thread between ceremonies.

  • Future-forward devotion. As part of this journey, you’ll receive exclusive discounts on select upcoming offerings.

  • A sacred investment in this deep soul work—saving £1,200 off full-price during early bird.
Step into the journey


£312 p/m

Save £1,192 off full price (of £4,000)

  • 4.5 months of immersive Magdalene embodiment. Devotionally curated live 3-hour ceremonies weaving somatic ritual, feminine embodiment, and ancient remembrance, guided by the Rosa Mystica Council and the wisdom of the Order of the Blue Rose.
  • A high-touch container. Direct access to me and intimate group support, lovingly designed for personal transformation and embodied integration.

  • A circle of wise, wild, and devotional women where you’ll be truly seen and celebrated in the fullness of your becoming.

  • Telegram group for connection and sisterhood for sharing reflections, receiving guidance, and weaving the collective thread between ceremonies.

  • Future-forward devotion. As part of this journey, you’ll receive exclusive discounts on select upcoming offerings.

  • A sacred investment in this deep soul work—saving £1,192 off full-price during early bird.
Step into the journey


£235 p/m

Save £1,180 off full price (of £4,000)

  • 4.5 months of immersive Magdalene embodiment. Devotionally curated live 3-hour ceremonies weaving somatic ritual, feminine embodiment, and ancient remembrance, guided by the Rosa Mystica Council and the wisdom of the Order of the Blue Rose.
  • A high-touch container. Direct access to me and intimate group support, lovingly designed for personal transformation and embodied integration.

  • A circle of wise, wild, and devotional women where you’ll be truly seen and celebrated in the fullness of your becoming.

  • Telegram group for connection and sisterhood for sharing reflections, receiving guidance, and weaving the collective thread between ceremonies.

  • Future-forward devotion. As part of this journey, you’ll receive exclusive discounts on select upcoming offerings.

  • A sacred investment in this deep soul work—saving £1,180 off full-price during early bird.
Step into the journey


If you’d like to pay by WISE or BACS (direct bank transfer), get in touch.
Pay-in-full via WISE or BACS and receive an 18% discount.

📩 Email: [email protected]

Apply for a Scholarship


If you feel deeply called to this journey but need a little extra support, I’d love to help make it possible. Please complete the form below to apply, and I’ll be in touch soon.

Apply Here